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thewardr0be in

  1. mql.pythonmatter.com/43219030/what-is-flat-bundling-and-why-is...

    Your bundle is guaranteed to be smaller, and will also evaluate faster because there's less indirection (more information on that — The cost of small modules). The trade-off is that this behaviour relies on ES2015 module semantics, and it means that some of webpack's advanced features are much harder...

  2. mql.pythonmatter.com/52925566/which-module-is-the-actual-interface...

    Also, there is pyfuse3 project which seems to be official. Finally, there is another project python-llfuse which is recommended by Nikratio one of the libfuse developers. So, as there is a good-old-official version that has a maintainer now, I tried to start with python-fuse on FreeBSD.

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